Who I Am

I'm Marmaduke Jinks, the author of a newly published book 'Reincarnation for Beginners,' that concerns itself with self-identity. It asserts that in the pursuit of happiness every individual should be who they think or feel they are. The characters in my book do just that and appear in many different guises with hilarious results.


I am a prodigious writer. Once I settle down, countless hours pass by and I have great difficulty coming to a halt, or even pausing to eat or drink.

I write about the residents of a Northern town called Gumborough. I have written six of these books since the Covid outbreak paused all other life pursuits and all of us went into lockdown.

Now that's all you need to know from me, Marmaduke for the moment, now let me introduce you to Alan Charnley.

'Hi everyone, my name is Alan Charnley and its great to take Marmaduke's seat at the keyboard to tell you now my own story.

'Without me, Marmaduke the 'Gumborough' novelist, a rock singer called Johnny Dysfunctional and a female singer by the name of Sydney Brook would not exist.

'Long ago, I identified in myself so many different facets, needing an outlet into the big, bold, brash world that I decided to allow them to form separate personalities of their own inside of me - and they did. Now they come out from time to time to make public appearances. Of course, we could never appear as a quartet. Always solo.

'At this point, I suspect you may be asking if you can be introduced to my psychologist, well, the truth is I don't have one. I enjoy juggling with these identities giving them time to flourish and of course they all make demands upon my time.

"Now sometimes our worlds collide and I happen to have a newly published book on release of my own, yes the author being Alan Charnley called 'Facing Surgery - Don't Be A Scaredy Cat,' and it has been released at exactly the same time as Marmaduke's book 'Re-incarnation for Beginners.'

How mad is that?

'You can wait a long time to be published once, then - like buses - two publishers come along at once."

So which book shall I promote first - or can I promote both together? Your guess is as good as mine.

Follow my story and see where I end up and how I/we fare ....

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